If you would like a video tutorial of this project head over to YouTube and check out my video.
This post contains affiliate links that if you click on them and make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Of course you could head to or to get exactly what you need for your project. I chose a cute bingo card pattern for my dauber holders and a red cotton canvas for my bag, both of which I ordered online from JOANN Fabric & Craft Stores and picked up in store. If you would like other handbag tutorials check out my handbag page. It is a simple pattern that is basically a drawstring bag with some pouches so anyone should be able to put this bag together. This seemed like a good pattern for a bingo bag to carry all of the bingo daubers and other bingo related items you may need. I wasn’t quite sure what that was so I did some research.
I have a viewer on the YouTube channel who requested that I make a bingo bag.